SMI - Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction

Technical Specifications

Isolated Stimulator, NoxiTest IES 230, "NoxiStim"


Knud Larsen
Last update: 3-nov-06 12:11


Current·time limit

Depending on the current level (amplitude) the stimulator can deliver that current for a limited time:

At 20mA the time limit is approx. 200ms

At 2mA the time is unlimited!

This current·time limit also affects the maximum repetition rate, pulse width (duration), as it really limits the amount of current delivered per time unit (sec.). The relationship between current and time is non-linear, though: An extended table will be added later.

SMI, Fredrik Bajers Vej 7 D3, DK-9220 Aalborg, Denmark, Tel: +45 9940 8827, Fax: +45 9815 4008, E-mail: Contact-SMI | Updated 2009-01-23