Continuos Data Acquisition File Contents

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This document describes the matrices found in the MatLab compatible files produced with Mr. Kick Continuos Data Acquisition module (or MKuDaq).
The format of these files is kept as close as possible to the one of another application, MKuDaq.

For further information as well as corrections and suggestions please send an e-mail to knl.


MkConDaq (MKuDaq) - File ID and version

The very first matrix in the file identifies the source and the file version:

MkConDaq (or MKuDaq) contains the file version. This is independent of the Mr. Kick program version no. Actual version is 1.20.


This matrix contains the sampling frequency and sweep length:

sampling(1): Sampling rate [Hz].
sampling(2): SweepLength (Bin duration in MKuDaq) [s].


This matrix contains all settings related to individual analog input channels. Each column contain settings for one channel:

settings(:,1): Settings for first channel.

For the n'th channel settings are defined as follows:

settings(1,n): Channel number, i.e. the analog input on the MIO (A/D) board.
settings(2,n): Gain factor.
Settings(3,n): Signal Processing: 0 (zero)=none, 1=rectification, 2=Differentiation, 3=Integration; other values are not defined (reserved).
settings(4,n): Filter type*, 0=Butterworth, 1=Chebyshev, 2=Inv. Chebyshev, 3=Bessel.
Settings(5,n): Filter function*, 0=LowPass, 1=HighPass, 2=BandPass, 3=BandStop.
Settings(6,n): Filter order*, if 0 (zero) filtering is off.
Settings(7,n): Lower cutoff frequency [Hz] of filter*, if 0 (zero) filtering is off.
Settings(8,n): Upper cutoff frequency [Hz] of filter* - applies only to bandpass and bandstop filters, refer to filter function above.
Settings(9,n): Ripple or attenuation* [dB] depending on filter type (MKuDaq only).
Settings(10,n): Other filter specification* depending on filter type (MKuDaq only).
Settings(11,n): Lower limit of input range [V] of MIO board analog input channel.
Settings(12,n): Upper limit of input range [V] of MIO board analog input channel.
Settings(13,n): Offset [V] (MKuDaq only).
Settings(14,n): Downsample factor (Mr. Kick only, always 1 otherwise).

*Note: Especially some of the filter parameters do not comply fully with Mr. Kick. No further documentation is presented at the moment - it may come up later ;-)


This matrix contains labels for all active analog input channels:

labels(:,n)': Label of the n'th channel.



This matrix contains all the data in the file:

data(n,:): All samples from the n'th channel - example:
data(3,1:100): First 100 samples from the 3rd channel.

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