What's New in Mr. Kick vs. 0.80
This list covers the news in versions 0.74 through 0.80.
What's New
- The trigger mechanisms have been completely redesigned for
much higher reliability. This goes for both internal and external
digital triggering. Also an external analog trigger is made available
though with restrictions and still some unsolved (hardware/driver?)
- Trigger settings may now be part of classification, as a result
these settings have been moved from the Acquisition Set-up to
a separate item in the Settings menu. Other menu items have been
moved for 'recipe order'.
- Classification of triggers include a true refractory period
for all trigger modes. Trigger level and hysteresis for the external
analog trigger mode.
- The classification of triggers has caused a minor change
in the .raw file format (as
of version 0.75).
- Trig Ready/Gate signal is available at DO#6.
- Classification modes include Manual and Stimulus Type with
Stimulus Select set to Manual. Both takes advantage of the
new Next Class control on main panel. Via this control the user
can specify the next class, if set for manual, or the selection
mode - both on the fly!
- Start and stop of data acquisition is available from both the
main program and the display panel. Start is available from the
menus of these panels as well.
- The single channel scope can be used as a separate tool, started
and stopped through the new Action menu.
- The main panel features an overview of the analog input channels,
that are active. This includes: Channel no., high/low sampling
rate, label, gain/sensitivity, unit and all preprocessing settings
except filter orders.
- If the (hard-)drive used to save data runs full, a warning
will show up in advance, i.e. when there is still space for approx.
5 more sweeps. In case of an error when data are saved to disk
data acquisition will stop.
- Sweep headers in the .raw data files include save time relative
to program startup
- The scaling of the Display panel has improved slightly: Automatic
scaling to screen resolution during start-up and scroll bars come
into play when window width is small (unfortunately it is not
possible only to enable the horizontal scroll bar).
- Show/Hide 'Display Y-Analysis' and 'Scope Display 1Ch' from
Windows menu.
Bugs and fixes
- Might 'half way' miss a trigger (even an internal), and then
stop responding to later triggers until restarted by the user.
This has been corrected through the redesign mentioned below.
- Average data are not always saved during data acquisition.
This has been fixed as of vs. 0.79.
- Error restarting free running scope tool after use of Stop
button on scope display is fixed in vs 0.79.
All bugs should be reported to knl.
Behind the scenes
This section is only of interest to the technically minded...
- Between sweeps sampling of data may be initiated before the
end of analog output and event timers in the previous sweep (internal
and external digital trig modes only). The aim is to minimize
the time from the end of one sweep to the possible start of the
next, and allow the scope to display data earlier.
- Saving data to temporary file during acquisition has been moved
into separate thread. The aim is the same as above.
- Most user dialogs (excl. LabVIEW error messages) have been
redesigned for consistency.