This display plug-in shows offers to cut a sweep into sub-sweeps based on a simple threshold. It is applied to the signal from one analog input channel (time domain). The same channel or another analog input channel may be used as trigger channel. The sub-sweeps are displayed above each other in a single graph.
This plug-in is also available with an alternative layout: TimeSignalSubsweepThresholdTrigd2.
The data used to illustrate the features of this plug-in consists of a single sweep with two channels acquired: "Dswitch" and "Sine".
"Dswitch" is an event indicator like a footswitch or stimulator synch out.
"Sine" represents an activity related to (in this case caused by) the event indicated by "Dswitch". It could also have been a MUP or alike.
Note: "Dswitch" indicates eight events, but the sixth (at 6.05s) did not result in any activity. It may be seen as a "false trigger". There are only seven "activities".
In the first example "Dswitch" is divided:
The length of the sub-sweeps is set to 1s with a 100ms pre-trig period. The threshold is set to 1 (same unit as the signal itself) and it is specified that at least 3 samples must exceed the threshold in order to detect a trigger point.
The vertical distance between the sub-sweeps in
the graph is set to 3.5 (same unit as the signal). The first sub-sweep is at the bottom and the only one for which the Y-scale is absolute. The last sub-sweep is displayed at the top.
A vertical marker indicates the trigger point, which is also 0 on the time axis. You can move it, but it will be reset to this position on each update.
Sub-sweeps may overlab. In the figure above the *-marked pulses are really one and the same (the "false trigger").
In the next example it is "Sine" that has been divided into sub-sweeps. the division is still based on the "Dswitch" trigger points from the previous example.
Only the dY parameter has been changed to adjust the vertical distance between sub-sweeps.
Alternatively "Sine" could be divided based on its own trigger points:
Just the threshold needs to be adjusted and trigger channel set to "- Same -" (or "Sine").
This plug-in is also available with an alternative layout (settings are the same as above).
Instead of aligning the trigger points, this plug-in also allows you to allign the first peak (or plateau) after the trigger point:
Simply activate PeakAlign.
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