Settings - Trigger

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The acquisition of sweeps along with event timing and analog output may be trigged in three different ways - modes - each has its own set of parameters. These are specified here:

  1. Trigger Mode - Source
  2. Classification
  3. Internal Trigger Parameters
  4. External Digital Trigger Parameters
  5. External Analog Trigger Parameters
  6. Copy and Paste

Trigger Mode - Source

The trigger mode is specified via the Mode - Source control. Basically Mr. Kick supports three different trigger modes:

  • Internal Digital: The trigger is automatically generated by the program at specified intervals.
  • External Digital: The trigger must be supplied from external equipment and it must be TTL compatible (digital). One out of six input lines can be software selected as the trigger input.
  • External Analog: The trigger must be supplied from external equipment to PFI line #0. An analog signal in the range from -10 to +10 V may be supplied. The use of this mode suffers from a number of restrictions, see below!

The acquisition of sweeps may be delayed relative to the incoming trigger when internal or external digital mode is in use. This is specified via event timer no. zero under Settings - Event Timing. No delay is available in external analog mode!

Note: During upstart of the program event timer outputs will change state, and eventually trigger external equipment!


Trigger parameters are subject to classification: The different parameters for each of the trigger modes may vary over classes. To achieve this select the Stimulus Type and Act On - Trigger option in the Classification settings.

Choose which class to set parameters for via the Stim. Class control. Trigger Mode - Source is the same for all classes.

Internal Trigger Parameters

Each sweep may be trigged internally at a certain interval specified by the Refractory and Max. Interval parameters:
The time interval between two sweeps will be at least as long as the Refractory period, and in general no longer than the Max. Interval. To avoid anticipation this interval is randomized within that range, e.g. from 2.5 to 4.0 seconds. The refractory period is defined as the minimum time from the trig of the actual sweep (time zero) till the next sweep can be trigged.
In practice the interval may be longer if the acquisition of the sweep or analog output or event timing can not finish within the set limits. In this case Mr. Kick will acquire sweeps as fast as possible.

Trig Edge is ignored.

For the internal trigger to work some external connection must be made on the MIO-board.

External Digital Trigger ParametersTrig Source

There are six inputs available for external digital triggers. They are labeled PFI-0 through PFI-5 on the MIO-board. All inputs are TTL compatible, and you may choose to trig on a rising or falling edge as specified by the Edge parameter.

Mr. Kick will not react to any triggers in the refractory period set via the Refractory parameter. This period is measured from the trig of the actual sweep (time zero) till the following sweep can be trigged.

As with internal triggers other parameters may influence the real minimum interval between accepted triggers: If the acquisition of the sweep or analog output or event timing can not finish within the set period, the refractory period will be prolonged accordingly. Set Refractory to zero or anything shorter than the post sweep period and Mr. Kick will acquire sweeps as fast as possible.

External Analog Trigger Parameters


Analog trig has caused severe problems throughout the implementation of Mr. Kick. As a result some restrictions are applied on the use of analog trig:

  • Due to hardware limitations this trig mode can only be applied safely when triggers occur at intervals sufficiently longer than the time it takes Mr. Kick to get ready for another sweep (depends on the computer in use).
  • The acquisition of sweeps can not be delayed through event timer no. zero as with internal and external digital trigger modes.
  • The trigger edge (falling or rising) can not be controlled on PCI-MIO16E-4 boards, revision A-C, unless you set a pretty high hysteresis level - go here for more information.

A separate page is dedicated to a full description of the problems as well as possible solutions - this is important reading, if you'll use analog trig!

The Use

If the trigger mode is set to External Analog the PFI line #0 will act as an analog trigger input accepting signals in the range from -10 to +10 V. The trigger level is specified in Volts via the Level control.
Also hysteresis may be introduced in order to avoid false triggers due to noise.

You may choose to trig on a rising or falling edge via the Edge control.
This will not work on PCI-MIO16E-4 boards, revision A-C! Go here for more information.

Mr. Kick will not react to any triggers in the refractory period set via the Refractory parameter. This period is measured from the trig of the actual sweep (time zero) till the following sweep can be trigged.

Copy and Paste

If more classes share almost the same settings, you may copy all settings from one class to another.

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